Game Time

My 3 year old is unusually obsessed with baseball, especially for having two parents who weren’t that into it, and didn’t even have TV. It all started with sitting on my Papa’s lap watching the baseball game when we would visit my grandparents on the weekends. She can pretty much act out a whole game. The batter, hitter, she sets up the bases, says “home run!” or “Strike out!” when she pretends to play. Since she has this obsession, Chris and I had decided to take her to her first real game this year. Unfortunately he wasn’t here to go with us, but I decided to take her with my brother Luke and my nephew Asher.

It was both the kids first game, and they had a blast! Adelaide was mad at the sun the first part of the game and couldn’t really see anything with it shining and her eyes, and she was a little irritated, because she wasn’t out there playing with them. Half way through the game though, we went to the game store and bought them souvenirs, and when we came back the sun had set, and Adelaide was beyond excited!

It didn’t matter that we were losing big time, she was jumping up and down, cheering with the crowd and going crazy. She was actually watching the game, and was leaning forward and yelling “charge!” at the top of her lungs right in the ears of the people in front of us. Thankfully they just thought she was cute 😉

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Memory post!


When Chris and I first started dating, he was living in the college dorms. I remember one night I stayed there really late, and we were lying next to each other on his little twin size bed in his cracker box room. We had Dashboard Confessional blaring from his speakers on full blast, and belting out the lyrics to every song at the top of our lungs. 

The next morning our friend who lived in the dorm above him was not too happy with us. She kindly asked us to be considerate and keep our singing to a minimum at one in the morning, because some people like to sleep, when they have to be up early in the morning. She was actually quite irritated with us, but she still loved us, and forgave us for our Dashboard screaming night. 🙂

How It Started (The start of daily happy posts)


So I’ve realized that all of my posts have been pretty depressing, and who wants to read a blog with only depressing posts? Of course you will still be getting the sad posts, because it’s understandably a very sad time in my life right now. However, I’ll throw in some happiness every day, and give you one of my many memories of my awesome husband. If you read both my blog and Facebook, there will be some repeats, but I’m sure you can handle it.

Our 7 year anniversary would have been June 6th of this year. Our first “unofficial” date happened by accident, and he technically had a girlfriend at the time so we don’t go by that date. We’d talked a lot in classes, but had never hung out. I worked at a daycare, and I was outside playing with all the kids when Chris and his best friend Dustin (who also had class with me) happened to walk by my work. It was the first time we’d seen each other outside of class, and we talked for a few minutes, and they both ended up getting my number. A few days later Chris sent me a text asking if I wanted to run some errands with him after I got off work. He warned me it would be pretty boring, but I went along anyway, because of course I already had a huge crush on this boy. So he picked me up and we went to Kinko’s to drop off a laptop, then to Case & Bucks where he taught me the proper way to eat wings, followed by playing speed (and me winning every game) at Waffle house while we drank Coffee, and ended the night with swinging and chasing ducks at West City park at one in the morning. Nothing happened between us that night. He told me later he almost kissed me at Waffle House, but knew he needed to break up with his girlfriend first. After that he ignored me for 2 weeks, and sent me a really jerky text message one evening, which I found out later was actually from his girlfriend. 2 weeks after our accidental date I get a text message at work, inviting me to a movie night at his place. I was surprised after he had sent the jerky text the week before. When I asked who all was going to be there, he replied just me and him that it was going to be our first official date. I replied with reminding him he had girlfriend, which he said “Not anymore, I broke up with her yesterday so I could be with you.” I agreed to the movie date night. Now anyone who knew me at the time, knew that I was not the kind of girl that liked to be told what to do, especially by a guy. Under normal circumstances I probably would have went off on someone for assuming I would have a date night with them. Not Chris. For some reason he already had me wrapped around his heart, and it didn’t make me mad at all he told me we were going to have a date night. Which included Lost Boys of all movies. Seriously??? Great choice for a date movie Chris. If I would have seen that movie any other night and with anyone else, I would have thought it was terrible, and never watched it again. I still like the movie to this day, just because it was the first one we ever watched together. This is the date we choose to go by. June 6th 2007 was when our relationship officially began. 4 days later he came to my house for my graduation party (which at the time I didn’t realize how huge of a deal that was, because he had some major stranger social anxiety.)  After the party was over and it was 1 in the morning, my mom told him he better go home, and I walked him out to his car. Before he left he told me I was his girlfriend, and he hoped I was okay with that. Which of course I was. I asked him later why he told me we were having a date, and told me I was his girlfriend instead of just asking me. He said he figured there was no possible way I would say yes to either, because he had seen me in action turning guys down at college. So he figured if maybe he just told me, he would have a better chance of me agreeing. Me agreeing had nothing to do with the way he went about it, I would have said yes either way, I just always loved the story of his reasoning behind it. 

So here is your happy memory for the day, be prepared for a sad post later on 🙂