Game Time

My 3 year old is unusually obsessed with baseball, especially for having two parents who weren’t that into it, and didn’t even have TV. It all started with sitting on my Papa’s lap watching the baseball game when we would visit my grandparents on the weekends. She can pretty much act out a whole game. The batter, hitter, she sets up the bases, says “home run!” or “Strike out!” when she pretends to play. Since she has this obsession, Chris and I had decided to take her to her first real game this year. Unfortunately he wasn’t here to go with us, but I decided to take her with my brother Luke and my nephew Asher.

It was both the kids first game, and they had a blast! Adelaide was mad at the sun the first part of the game and couldn’t really see anything with it shining and her eyes, and she was a little irritated, because she wasn’t out there playing with them. Half way through the game though, we went to the game store and bought them souvenirs, and when we came back the sun had set, and Adelaide was beyond excited!

It didn’t matter that we were losing big time, she was jumping up and down, cheering with the crowd and going crazy. She was actually watching the game, and was leaning forward and yelling “charge!” at the top of her lungs right in the ears of the people in front of us. Thankfully they just thought she was cute 😉

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